GERBIL Experiment

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Experiment URI:
Type: A2KB
Matching: Mw - weak annotation match
Annotator Dataset Micro F1 score Micro Precision Micro Recall Macro F1 score Macro Precision Macro Recall InKB Macro F1 score InKB Macro Precision InKB Macro Recall InKB Micro F1 score InKB Micro Precision InKB Micro Recall EE Macro F1 score EE Macro Precision EE Macro Recall EE Micro F1 score EE Micro Precision EE Micro Recall avg millis/doc confidence threshold Error Count Timestamp GERBIL version
AIDA B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.6836 0.644 0.7285 0.699 0.7114 0.7334 0.699 0.7114 0.7334 0.6836 0.644 0.7285 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,484.5403 0.078 19 2017-05-07 12:02:15 1.2.5
AIDA B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.8111 0.7639 0.8645 0.8204 0.8332 0.863 0 0 2017-05-07 12:02:15 1.2.5
AIDA B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.6758 0.9576 0.5222 0.6371 0.9176 0.5353 0.6371 0.9176 0.5353 0.6758 0.9576 0.5222 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-07 12:02:15 1.2.5
Babelfy B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.6818 0.6866 0.677 0.6678 0.7175 0.679 0.668 0.718 0.679 0.682 0.6871 0.677 0.9935 0.9935 0.9935 0 0 0 774.8082 0.9882 46 2017-05-06 23:54:50 1.2.5
Babelfy B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.699 0.6896 0.7086 0.6854 0.7235 0.7082 0.9349 0 2017-05-06 23:54:50 1.2.5
Babelfy B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.9012 0.9643 0.8458 0.8893 0.9589 0.8444 0.8895 0.9593 0.8444 0.9014 0.9648 0.8459 0.9955 0.9955 0.9955 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 23:54:50 1.2.5
DBpedia Spotlight B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 20:41:48 1.2.5
Dexter B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.7358 0.7179 0.7547 0.7418 0.7383 0.7601 0.7418 0.7383 0.7601 0.7358 0.7179 0.7547 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,148.0785 0.5149 0 2017-05-07 00:12:01 1.2.5
Dexter B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.8925 0.8572 0.9309 0.8964 0.8785 0.934 0 0 2017-05-07 00:12:01 1.2.5
Dexter B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.7433 0.9915 0.5945 0.6937 0.9271 0.5994 0.6937 0.9271 0.5995 0.7433 0.9915 0.5945 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-07 00:12:01 1.2.5 NER B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.2441 0.2401 0.2483 0.2525 0.2916 0.2472 0.2525 0.2916 0.2472 0.2441 0.2401 0.2484 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0 0 0 44.7006 0 170 2017-05-06 21:04:07 1.2.5 NER B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.73 0.7178 0.7425 0.7128 0.7889 0.7358 0 0 2017-05-06 21:04:07 1.2.5 NER B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.3246 0.6448 0.2169 0.2947 0.6142 0.2172 0.2947 0.6142 0.2172 0.3246 0.6448 0.2169 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 21:04:07 1.2.5
FOX B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.4918 0.4825 0.5015 0.5059 0.5513 0.5063 0.5219 0.5926 0.5063 0.5083 0.5152 0.5015 0.6752 0.6752 0.6752 0.0005 0.0003 0.75 4,360.6023 0 310 2017-05-07 08:57:22 1.2.5
FOX B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.7591 0.7448 0.7741 0.7465 0.7992 0.7711 0 0 2017-05-07 08:57:22 1.2.5
FOX B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.5612 0.9106 0.4056 0.5153 0.8375 0.4125 0.5257 0.8773 0.4125 0.5707 0.9625 0.4056 0.8286 0.8286 0.8286 0.0015 0.0008 0.75 0 0 2017-05-07 08:57:22 1.2.5
FRED B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.4063 0.2956 0.6494 0.4185 0.3168 0.6428 0.5711 0.5499 0.6428 0.5861 0.5341 0.6494 0.0109 0.0109 0.011 0 0 0.75 2,092.4703 0 61 2017-05-07 03:24:00 1.2.5
FRED B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.6042 0.4397 0.9657 0.6218 0.4684 0.9653 0 0 2017-05-07 03:24:00 1.2.5
FRED B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.6707 0.8238 0.5656 0.6312 0.7571 0.5615 0.6627 0.8802 0.5615 0.7177 0.9819 0.5656 0.46 0.46 0.4601 0.0003 0.0002 0.75 0 0 2017-05-07 03:24:00 1.2.5
FREME NER B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.4666 0.6269 0.3715 0.3619 0.3657 0.3759 0.362 0.3657 0.3759 0.4666 0.6269 0.3715 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0 0 0 486.8753 0 0 2017-05-06 22:16:37 1.2.5
FREME NER B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.572 0.7686 0.4554 0.43 0.4278 0.4567 0 0 2017-05-06 22:16:37 1.2.5
FREME NER B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.4676 0.9918 0.3059 0.364 0.4969 0.3118 0.364 0.4969 0.3119 0.4676 0.9918 0.3059 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 22:16:37 1.2.5
Kea B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 20:41:41 1.2.5
TagMe 2 B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 20:45:05 1.2.5
WAT B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.6504 0.6219 0.6817 0.6606 0.687 0.683 0.6606 0.687 0.6831 0.6504 0.6219 0.6817 0 0 0 0 0 0 143.6692 0.1231 7 2017-05-06 21:44:25 1.2.5
WAT B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.8077 0.772 0.8469 0.8147 0.8459 0.8457 0.12 0 2017-05-06 21:44:25 1.2.5
WAT B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.6559 0.9504 0.5007 0.6122 0.9212 0.5114 0.6123 0.9212 0.5114 0.6559 0.9504 0.5008 0.9998 0.9998 0.9998 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 21:44:25 1.2.5
xLisa-NER B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.4403 0.6946 0.3223 0.4351 0.6969 0.3266 0.4351 0.6969 0.3266 0.4403 0.6946 0.3223 0 0 0 0 0 0 378.3693 0.027 0 2017-05-06 22:13:44 1.2.5
xLisa-NER B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.5077 0.8272 0.3663 0.5046 0.8398 0.3728 0.038 0 2017-05-06 22:13:44 1.2.5
xLisa-NER B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.3915 0.9765 0.2448 0.3795 0.9281 0.2512 0.3796 0.9281 0.2512 0.3915 0.9765 0.2448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.038 0 2017-05-06 22:13:44 1.2.5
xLisa-NGRAM B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) 0.5098 0.5899 0.4488 0.5043 0.6018 0.4506 0.5043 0.6018 0.4506 0.5098 0.5899 0.4489 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,809.3118 0.138 0 2017-05-07 07:55:24 1.2.5
xLisa-NGRAM B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.5486 0.6348 0.483 0.5454 0.653 0.4866 0.138 0 2017-05-07 07:55:24 1.2.5
xLisa-NGRAM B11_bengal_hybrid_10000 (uploaded) D2KB 0.5871 0.9818 0.4187 0.5795 0.9834 0.4195 0.5795 0.9834 0.4196 0.5871 0.9818 0.4187 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.041 0 2017-05-07 07:55:24 1.2.5
AIDA B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) 0.8311 0.7971 0.868 0.835 0.8062 0.8684 0.835 0.8062 0.8684 0.8311 0.7971 0.868 81,598.4 0.1189 0 2017-05-06 11:06:30 1.2.5
AIDA B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.9051 0.8682 0.9454 0.908 0.8765 0.9446 0.1189 0 2017-05-06 11:06:30 1.2.5
AIDA B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) D2KB 0.8563 0.9757 0.7629 0.8594 0.9767 0.7727 0.8594 0.9767 0.7727 0.8563 0.9757 0.7629 0.08 0 2017-05-06 11:06:30 1.2.5
Babelfy B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 10:57:34 1.2.5
DBpedia Spotlight B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 10:59:59 1.2.5
Dexter B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) 0.8415 0.8485 0.8345 0.8371 0.8466 0.831 0.8371 0.8466 0.831 0.8415 0.8485 0.8345 18,419.9 0.5008 0 2017-05-06 11:08:02 1.2.5
Dexter B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.9105 0.9184 0.9028 0.9074 0.9166 0.902 0.5008 0 2017-05-06 11:08:02 1.2.5
Dexter B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) D2KB 0.8612 0.9935 0.76 0.8606 0.994 0.7634 0.8606 0.994 0.7634 0.8612 0.9935 0.76 0.5 0 2017-05-06 11:08:02 1.2.5 NER B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 11:12:52 1.2.5
FOX B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) 0.7293 0.6934 0.7691 0.7405 0.7122 0.7757 0.7527 0.7352 0.7757 0.7411 0.715 0.7691 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,641.8 0 0 2017-05-06 11:19:19 1.2.5
FOX B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.8627 0.8202 0.9098 0.8676 0.8323 0.9115 0 0 2017-05-06 11:19:19 1.2.5
FOX B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) D2KB 0.8197 0.9749 0.7071 0.8215 0.9749 0.7194 0.824 0.9819 0.7194 0.822 0.9816 0.7071 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 11:19:19 1.2.5
FRED B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 11:12:53 1.2.5
FREME NER B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) 0.4952 0.7471 0.3703 0.3939 0.3816 0.4086 0.3939 0.3816 0.4086 0.4952 0.7471 0.3703 2,322.2 0.3465 0 2017-05-06 11:15:40 1.2.5
FREME NER B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.5693 0.8589 0.4257 0.4465 0.4312 0.4646 0.3465 0 2017-05-06 11:15:40 1.2.5
FREME NER B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) D2KB 0.5144 1 0.3463 0.4327 0.5 0.3838 0.4327 0.5 0.3838 0.5144 1 0.3463 0 0 2017-05-06 11:15:40 1.2.5
Kea B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 11:15:41 1.2.5
TagMe 2 B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 11:15:42 1.2.5
WAT B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) 0.7939 0.7788 0.8097 0.7896 0.7797 0.802 0.7896 0.7797 0.802 0.7939 0.7788 0.8097 2,396.8 0.238 0 2017-05-06 11:21:53 1.2.5
WAT B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.904 0.8765 0.9334 0.9046 0.8832 0.93 0.1972 0 2017-05-06 11:21:53 1.2.5
WAT B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) D2KB 0.823 0.9613 0.7195 0.821 0.9588 0.7212 0.821 0.9588 0.7212 0.823 0.9613 0.7195 0 0 2017-05-06 11:21:53 1.2.5
xLisa-NER B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) 0.2319 0.7815 0.1361 0.2361 0.5499 0.1524 0.2361 0.5499 0.1524 0.2319 0.7815 0.1361 3,990.7143 0.01 3 2017-05-06 11:20:00 1.2.5
xLisa-NER B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.2499 0.8373 0.1469 0.2533 0.5878 0.1638 0 0 2017-05-06 11:20:00 1.2.5
xLisa-NER B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) D2KB 0.218 0.99 0.1225 0.2283 0.6931 0.1388 0.2283 0.6931 0.1388 0.218 0.99 0.1225 0 0 2017-05-06 11:20:00 1.2.5
xLisa-NGRAM B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) 0.2772 0.5497 0.1854 0.2655 0.3902 0.2065 0.2655 0.3902 0.2065 0.2772 0.5497 0.1854 77,126 0.031 3 2017-05-06 11:30:12 1.2.5
xLisa-NGRAM B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.2947 0.5171 0.206 0.2772 0.3662 0.2292 0.019 0 2017-05-06 11:30:12 1.2.5
xLisa-NGRAM B12_bengal_hybrid_object_10 (uploaded) D2KB 0.2979 0.986 0.1754 0.3008 0.69 0.1937 0.3008 0.69 0.1937 0.2979 0.986 0.1754 0.01 0 2017-05-06 11:30:12 1.2.5
AIDA B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) 0.3338 0.2798 0.4138 0.3362 0.2956 0.4128 0.3587 0.2956 0.4953 0.3535 0.2798 0.48 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,250.5 0.8578 0 2017-05-06 11:31:10 1.2.5
AIDA B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.476 0.399 0.59 0.468 0.4019 0.5925 0.8578 0 2017-05-06 11:31:10 1.2.5
AIDA B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) D2KB 0.5604 0.9903 0.3908 0.5443 0.9941 0.3943 0.6167 0.9941 0.4755 0.622 0.9903 0.4533 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 11:31:10 1.2.5
Babelfy B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) 0.3834 0.3959 0.3716 0.3473 0.3875 0.3591 0.3736 0.3885 0.424 0.4136 0.3975 0.4311 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,609.8 0.9243 0 2017-05-06 11:31:14 1.2.5
Babelfy B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.4664 0.4816 0.4521 0.4284 0.4732 0.4403 0.9243 0 2017-05-06 11:31:14 1.2.5
Babelfy B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) D2KB 0.6386 0.9021 0.4943 0.5911 0.8584 0.4609 0.6572 0.8645 0.5413 0.703 0.9085 0.5733 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3184 0 2017-05-06 11:31:14 1.2.5
DBpedia Spotlight B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 11:30:12 1.2.5
Dexter B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) 0.3966 0.3146 0.5364 0.3986 0.3583 0.5165 0.4233 0.3583 0.6183 0.4179 0.3146 0.6222 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,917.2 0.5028 0 2017-05-06 11:31:14 1.2.5
Dexter B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.5241 0.4157 0.7088 0.541 0.4825 0.6876 0.5028 0 2017-05-06 11:31:14 1.2.5
Dexter B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) D2KB 0.6683 0.9708 0.5096 0.6455 0.9825 0.498 0.7246 0.9825 0.5974 0.7348 0.9708 0.5911 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 11:31:14 1.2.5 NER B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) 0.1069 0.0767 0.1762 0.1094 0.0836 0.1831 0.1148 0.0836 0.2227 0.1115 0.0767 0.2044 0 0 0 0 0 0 159.6 0 0 2017-05-06 11:31:26 1.2.5 NER B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.3693 0.265 0.6092 0.3609 0.2737 0.596 0 0 2017-05-06 11:31:26 1.2.5 NER B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) D2KB 0.2299 0.4598 0.1533 0.2341 0.4911 0.1558 0.2701 0.4911 0.1898 0.2564 0.4598 0.1778 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 11:31:26 1.2.5
FOX B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) 0.172 0.1471 0.2069 0.1866 0.1913 0.2386 0.213 0.2097 0.2908 0.1918 0.1598 0.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,519.5 0 0 2017-05-06 11:32:35 1.2.5
FOX B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.3631 0.3106 0.4368 0.4119 0.4219 0.4613 0 0 2017-05-06 11:32:35 1.2.5
FOX B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) D2KB 0.0949 1 0.0498 0.1341 0.6 0.0897 0.161 0.6 0.1149 0.1092 1 0.0578 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 11:32:35 1.2.5
FRED B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 11:36:51 1.2.5
FREME NER B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) 0.2216 0.3761 0.1571 0.1333 0.1119 0.1922 0.1414 0.1119 0.2326 0.2455 0.3761 0.1822 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,197.7 0.5365 0 2017-05-06 11:31:40 1.2.5
FREME NER B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.2703 0.4587 0.1916 0.1606 0.1365 0.2228 0.5365 0 2017-05-06 11:31:40 1.2.5
FREME NER B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) D2KB 0.2649 0.9756 0.1533 0.2202 0.2958 0.1787 0.2458 0.2958 0.215 0.3008 0.9756 0.1778 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 11:31:40 1.2.5
Kea B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 11:31:40 1.2.5
TagMe 2 B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) The annotator caused too many single errors. 2017-05-06 11:31:41 1.2.5
WAT B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) 0.4506 0.5632 0.3755 0.4109 0.6079 0.3681 0.4544 0.6079 0.4405 0.4912 0.5632 0.4356 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,069.6 0.4447 0 2017-05-06 11:32:05 1.2.5
WAT B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.6331 0.5493 0.7471 0.677 0.6817 0.7329 0.1538 0 2017-05-06 11:32:05 1.2.5
WAT B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) D2KB 0.6101 0.9914 0.4406 0.595 0.9967 0.4448 0.6717 0.9967 0.5376 0.6745 0.9914 0.5111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1132 0 2017-05-06 11:32:05 1.2.5
xLisa-NER B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) 0.4439 0.7345 0.318 0.4377 0.7181 0.3267 0.4922 0.7181 0.3966 0.4911 0.7345 0.3689 0 0 0 0 0 0 635.2 0.019 0 2017-05-06 11:32:14 1.2.5
xLisa-NER B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.4958 0.9082 0.341 0.4819 0.8907 0.3392 0.063 0 2017-05-06 11:32:14 1.2.5
xLisa-NER B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) D2KB 0.4085 1 0.2567 0.4225 1 0.2771 0.4874 1 0.3406 0.4589 1 0.2978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 2017-05-06 11:32:14 1.2.5
xLisa-NGRAM B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) 0.5021 0.5422 0.4674 0.4619 0.5004 0.4398 0.5011 0.5004 0.5231 0.5422 0.5422 0.5422 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,184.8 0.139 0 2017-05-06 11:40:19 1.2.5
xLisa-NGRAM B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) Entity Recognition 0.5545 0.5738 0.5364 0.522 0.5524 0.5116 0.118 0 2017-05-06 11:40:19 1.2.5
xLisa-NGRAM B13_bengal_star_data_10_70+_sen (uploaded) D2KB 0.6502 0.9103 0.5057 0.6474 0.908 0.5059 0.723 0.908 0.6054 0.7135 0.9103 0.5867 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2017-05-06 11:40:19 1.2.5